10 Personal Days: All staff in the district have 10 days total for personal use. 5 are from the State of Texas and can be carried over year to year and accumulate. The 5 from the district can't be carried over from year to year and are used first.
Insurance benefit: The district contributes 350 dollars monthly towards medical insurance. We offer 3-4 TRS Plan via the West Texas Cooperative as well as other plans such as cafeteria plan, life insurance, dental, etc.
If an employee doesn't not elect a TRS major medical plan then the $350 can be used towards a dental, vision or telehealth plan offered through the West Texas Cooperative.
West Texas Cooperative
Employee benefit website/24 hour information access/Online Enrollment/Contact Information. 1-866-914-5202 to speak to a representative between 8:00am-5:00 p.m.
*Reminder: Your username is the first 6 letters of your last name followed by the 1st letter of your first name, followed by the last 4 digits of your SS #.
NBS Benefits (Cafeteria Plan)
888-353-9125/801-838-7324 or wwww.NBSbenefits.com